Tuesday, 11 October 2011

5 Tip to Get Adsense Account Banned

Today I checked my Adsense account and was shocked to learn that it was banned. But having my sites search engine optimized, I was lucky because account was not disabled on the penalty of invalid or fraudulent clicks. It was banned due to low traffic which caused a loss to Google Adwords advertisers. What can you expect from a free domain (blogspot) containing not more than 20 posts. Then I actually realized the importance of content.
Content is the king.
          When the content is less, relevancy problem occurs. This lowers the search engine ranking and loss of traffic. Regular update is very necessary for any type of site.

From a survey, it was found that even 5 posts per month could increase 300% traffic.
 If the update is on daily basis then the traffic can increase significantly.
          From this ban, I learnt few tips and tricks to increase traffic and maximize Adsense revenue.
          Content is the king. More content you have more traffic will you get. A site with 100 or more posts can increase your Adsense revenue significantly. Having few back links built, you should concentrate on creating natural and unique content.
Frequent updates:
                             If you post 100 articles a day and then leave it, you will bring your ranking down. Frequent updates matter a lot. If you post 10 articles a day, it will not bring significant traffic. But even if you post 5 articles with regular frequency, it will increase your traffic and maximize Adsense revenue.
Disassociate URLs:
                             If you have more than one site, you can monitor the performance of each one of them.
If any URL is getting low traffic you can disassociate it from your Adsense account and after increasing traffic again add the URL to Adsense account.
Adwords voucher:
                             You can grab easily available Adwords vouchers to advertise your site. This will bring targeted traffic and keep your site traffic at least above average.
Back links:
                   Back links are also an easy way to keep your traffic at a better level. When you add a site to a blog directory, it is reviewed bringing a unique visitor. Also maintain frequency in back link building.
 Build not more than 3 links a day.
          Following these tips will let you increase traffic, maximize revenue and keep your Adsense account safe.


  1. These are very important point to keep in mind to escape from banned..Nice to see this important information here..

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