Sunday, 2 October 2011

How Google Detects Invalid Clicks

                Google Adsense is the highest paying ad service on the internet. As it is the highest paying so it has to confront maximum fraudulent activity. That’s why getting Adsense account has become very difficult due to strict TOS of Google.
Why people indulge in fraud:
                There are many answers to this question.
  • Greed for money
  • Urge for being rich overnight
  • Lack of patience
  • Unwilling to put in effort
  • Curiosity to earn from Adsense

                People may think that they can dodge Google. But Google is much smarter than anybody thinks-it’s the king of the web. Google will easily detect invalid click activity and will flag your account. Once banned, you can’t reopen your Adsense account.
What is invalid/fraudulent activity?
                Anything against Google TOS (Terms of Service) is considered a fraudulent act. It includes:
Clicking Google ads by yourself through any means
Asking friends to click Adsense ads for you
Exchanging clicks
Designing a program (bot) for automated clicks
Now the most wanted part, how Google detects invalid clicks:
                There are so many ways Google can detect invalid click activity. Anything you can think of, being an Adsense publisher is detectable by Google. Because any trick tried on Google Adsense may be fruitful once but then it is flagged and easily detected.
Here are some of the ways through which Google detects invalid clicks:
1. IP detection:
                The most common way of detecting invalid actions is through IP. If the IP you use to login to your Adsense account and the IP you use to click ads are same then you are well gone. Google has easy access to every IP connecting to its services and bots to match the IPs and is very efficient over it.
2. Asking friends to click ads:
                When you ask your friend, sitting far away from your location, to click ads for you they usually click the ad and then close it because they are not interested in it. This way Google detects a click to be invalid.
3. CTR:
                Although high CTR sites are ranked higher but they can pose threat if you exchange clicks which you should not. CTR 2% to 10% is considered safe.  If you exchange clicks, then the frequency with which impressions come and the location from where they come can be suspected for invalid activity. 30 impressions coming from one location on a 20 page site is really a foolish thing.
4. Location:
                Google can trace a location even to small towns. So clicking ads from a nearby net cafe or a friend’s home will cause your account to be banned.
5. Cookies:
                Google saves its cookies on your browser so even if you try to click ads by changing IP, your clicks will be detected and your Adsense account will be flagged.
6. Using IP hiding software:
                There are IP hiders freely available but they can also be detected. When you click on daily basis at a specific time and next day again the same time, you are suspected. At a specific time your site is visited for some time and next day again at the same time and you surely get clicks as well, do you think Google can’t detect it?
7. Other Google services:
                Google has other services like Gmail, Google Ad words etc. so if you access any of them, your IP is saved with Google and Google can use that IP to detect invalid click activity.

                 Now that you know how Google can detect every possible fraud, a suggestion is that if your are involved in any of them, quit it at once otherwise your account will be banned.

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