Monday, 25 July 2011

5 Tips to Boost your Adsense Earnings

No one denies that Google adsense is the leading ad serving program. Adsense ads are high paying and original. As Google adsense is the largest ad serving program, so advertisers prefer advertising with Google adsense.

In this post, I will discuss some useful tips that may help you increase your adsense earnings.

1. Content:

When it comes to adsense earnings, first and foremost thing that can boost your earnings is your content. The more natural and unique your content is, the more you can earn through Google adsense. A blog without killer content is like a person suffering from mesothelioma. So give good time and do research work before posting anything to your blog.

2. High Paying Ads:

The placement of ads is determined by first few lines of your post. So you can consider using some high paying keywords in the initial lines off your post, may be by giving an example or resemblance. As I have given the example of a person suffering from mesothelioma in the above paragraph. Because I know mesothelioma is a high paying keyword.Oh, now I used mesothelioma third time. Huh, fourth time. -:p

TIP: This trick is also paying if you are using in-text advertising like INFOLINKS, where the word becomes an ad.

3. Ad placement:

The placement of adsense ads does matter in increasing your adsense earnings. Ads placed above fold (visible to visitors without scroll) can let you have your adsense earnings maximized. It’s true because when a visitor looks at your site at a glance he can figure out if some interesting and eye-catching ad is visible.

4. Size of ad unit:

Size of ad unit is also helpful in maximizing your adsense earnings. Usually the following ad units perform better:

  • 728* 90 (Leader board)
  • 336* 280(Large rectangle)
  • 160* 600(Sky scrapper)

5. Format of ad units:

Mixing ad units with your site theme is an art that may be very paying in maximizing your adsense earnings. When you use this trick, visitors are easily dodged. They don’t actually click an ad. They just think of it to another blog post or URL of your site and hence give you an accidental ad click.

Here are the tips to format your ad units:

  • The background color must match the background of your blog.
  • Title and text color of your ads must match your content color. For example for ad unit placed between posts, title and text must match your post’s color and font and for ad units in header and sidebar, it must be compatible with their content color.
  • For ads placed in between posts, there must be no borders. The border for header and sidebar ads should match their border.

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