Saturday, 19 November 2011

Fast Google Adsense Approval Trick

Google Adsense is the best and largest ad serving network on internet by the king of the web, Google. Whenever someone talks about earning online through content, the first name which strikes your mind is Google Adsense. But due to a large number of frauds and self-click activities, it has become very difficult to get an Adsense account approved. If you scroll through Facebook and other social networking sites, you will find many people selling what is called “Adsense approval tricks” but if you ask them what is it nobody will actually tell you what this trick really is. They claim to tell you after payment which is not an appealing idea to pay for something you don’t even know. Now let me tell you what this trick type of thing actually is. They simply give you some link to a revenue sharing site. Here I give you free of cost.

                Simply go to and sign up for a free account. Once you are done and completed some of your profile, you will see an option to start a new hub. A hub is just you can say an article of your choice. You can write as many articles as you like.


                A major advantage Hubpages has over your own site is that you don’t need to stick to your niche. At your website you will have to write content about your specific keyword but at Hubpages you can write about anything.


                Although it is not required but it is a good practice to write about one thing as it will help you get your Adsense account approved fast.

How it works:

                Once you have published your hubs and got an Adsense account approved, the ad code with your publisher id will be placed within the ads on your hubpage. Whenever someone clicks the ad with your publisher id, you get paid. That’s how simple it is.

When to apply for Google Adsense:

                Although Hubpages allow you to apply for Adsense account after publishing your first hub but it is a good practice to have at least 10 hubs in your account before applying for Adsense account. It will help you get an Adsense account approved fast. And obviously the more, the better.

So good luck and go on……….


Tuesday, 11 October 2011

5 Tip to Get Adsense Account Banned

Today I checked my Adsense account and was shocked to learn that it was banned. But having my sites search engine optimized, I was lucky because account was not disabled on the penalty of invalid or fraudulent clicks. It was banned due to low traffic which caused a loss to Google Adwords advertisers. What can you expect from a free domain (blogspot) containing not more than 20 posts. Then I actually realized the importance of content.
Content is the king.
          When the content is less, relevancy problem occurs. This lowers the search engine ranking and loss of traffic. Regular update is very necessary for any type of site.

From a survey, it was found that even 5 posts per month could increase 300% traffic.
 If the update is on daily basis then the traffic can increase significantly.
          From this ban, I learnt few tips and tricks to increase traffic and maximize Adsense revenue.
          Content is the king. More content you have more traffic will you get. A site with 100 or more posts can increase your Adsense revenue significantly. Having few back links built, you should concentrate on creating natural and unique content.
Frequent updates:
                             If you post 100 articles a day and then leave it, you will bring your ranking down. Frequent updates matter a lot. If you post 10 articles a day, it will not bring significant traffic. But even if you post 5 articles with regular frequency, it will increase your traffic and maximize Adsense revenue.
Disassociate URLs:
                             If you have more than one site, you can monitor the performance of each one of them.
If any URL is getting low traffic you can disassociate it from your Adsense account and after increasing traffic again add the URL to Adsense account.
Adwords voucher:
                             You can grab easily available Adwords vouchers to advertise your site. This will bring targeted traffic and keep your site traffic at least above average.
Back links:
                   Back links are also an easy way to keep your traffic at a better level. When you add a site to a blog directory, it is reviewed bringing a unique visitor. Also maintain frequency in back link building.
 Build not more than 3 links a day.
          Following these tips will let you increase traffic, maximize revenue and keep your Adsense account safe.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

How Google Detects Invalid Clicks

                Google Adsense is the highest paying ad service on the internet. As it is the highest paying so it has to confront maximum fraudulent activity. That’s why getting Adsense account has become very difficult due to strict TOS of Google.
Why people indulge in fraud:
                There are many answers to this question.
  • Greed for money
  • Urge for being rich overnight
  • Lack of patience
  • Unwilling to put in effort
  • Curiosity to earn from Adsense

                People may think that they can dodge Google. But Google is much smarter than anybody thinks-it’s the king of the web. Google will easily detect invalid click activity and will flag your account. Once banned, you can’t reopen your Adsense account.
What is invalid/fraudulent activity?
                Anything against Google TOS (Terms of Service) is considered a fraudulent act. It includes:
Clicking Google ads by yourself through any means
Asking friends to click Adsense ads for you
Exchanging clicks
Designing a program (bot) for automated clicks
Now the most wanted part, how Google detects invalid clicks:
                There are so many ways Google can detect invalid click activity. Anything you can think of, being an Adsense publisher is detectable by Google. Because any trick tried on Google Adsense may be fruitful once but then it is flagged and easily detected.
Here are some of the ways through which Google detects invalid clicks:
1. IP detection:
                The most common way of detecting invalid actions is through IP. If the IP you use to login to your Adsense account and the IP you use to click ads are same then you are well gone. Google has easy access to every IP connecting to its services and bots to match the IPs and is very efficient over it.
2. Asking friends to click ads:
                When you ask your friend, sitting far away from your location, to click ads for you they usually click the ad and then close it because they are not interested in it. This way Google detects a click to be invalid.
3. CTR:
                Although high CTR sites are ranked higher but they can pose threat if you exchange clicks which you should not. CTR 2% to 10% is considered safe.  If you exchange clicks, then the frequency with which impressions come and the location from where they come can be suspected for invalid activity. 30 impressions coming from one location on a 20 page site is really a foolish thing.
4. Location:
                Google can trace a location even to small towns. So clicking ads from a nearby net cafe or a friend’s home will cause your account to be banned.
5. Cookies:
                Google saves its cookies on your browser so even if you try to click ads by changing IP, your clicks will be detected and your Adsense account will be flagged.
6. Using IP hiding software:
                There are IP hiders freely available but they can also be detected. When you click on daily basis at a specific time and next day again the same time, you are suspected. At a specific time your site is visited for some time and next day again at the same time and you surely get clicks as well, do you think Google can’t detect it?
7. Other Google services:
                Google has other services like Gmail, Google Ad words etc. so if you access any of them, your IP is saved with Google and Google can use that IP to detect invalid click activity.

                 Now that you know how Google can detect every possible fraud, a suggestion is that if your are involved in any of them, quit it at once otherwise your account will be banned.

Monday, 29 August 2011

7 Alternatives to Google Adsense

Google AdSense is the leading ad serving program on the web by the king of the web-GOOGLE. As it’s the most popular and highest paying so are its TOS (Terms of Service)—most strict. Despite extreme care taken by you in staying upright with Google AdSense, you can always expect your Google Adsense account to be banned for some known or unknown reason(s). Thus it is always paying to use some alternative options.


When you use other ad serving networks with Google AdSense, your income maximizes because page impressions are counted for all advertising programs including Google AdSense.


No ad serving network on the web can even match Google AdSense in terms of ads variety, business volume, no of advertisers and most important, cost per click. (Cost per click usually depends on location).

1. Chitika:

  • This ad serving program is very similar in appearance to Google AdSense. It has all banner sizes in both text and image formats.
  • Visitors from US/Canada and the rest of the world are tracked separately with US/Canada visitors generating higher revenue.
  • It has different ratings for websites. For example silver level domains and gold level domains, with gold level domains generating more income.
  • Revenue is tracked through cpm and ctr. Cpc and no of clicks are not shown so you don’t have to worry.
  • Minimum payout is $50 via check.

2. Infolinks:

  • It is the best alternative to Google AdSense.
  • Provides in text and in line advertising. Infolinks system tracks some keywords in the text and turn them to hyperlinks. When someone clicks those links which are actually ads, publisher gets paid.
  • Minimum payout for PayPal is $50 and bank wire is $400.

3. Clicksor:

  • This ad serving company allows all type of advertising. It is a blend of Google AdSense and infolinks style.
  • You can display both contextual and in text ads.
  • Minimum payout is $50 via check and PayPal and $1000 through wire transfer.

4. Bidvertiser:

  • It offers several banner sizes and styles.
  • Minimum payout is $10 via PayPal and $100 via check.

5. Vibrant Media:

  • It is another leading ad serving company after infolinks.
  • Offers in text and in line advertising.
  • Sometimes even higher rates then infolinks.

6. TNX:

  • Allows you to sell links on your site.
  • Good for PR 0 sites.
  • Offers referral program.
  • It takes 12.5 % commission from both advertisers and publishers.
  • You can embed code in every page of your site.
  • Payout methods include PayPal, check, wire transfer.

7. Adversal:

  • Adversal is a popup program that pays $6 per 1000 unique impressions ($6CPM).
  • Minimum payout is $20 through PayPal, check etc.

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Fast Google Adsense Approval Trick

Getting Google Adsense account has become a very complicated job due to strict Google policies. Google took this step after facing a thick fraudulent activity. Now getting a Google Adsense account approved is no more a piece of cake. This problem is particular in Asian and east Asian countries means the third world countries like china, India, Indonesia, Japan, Pakistan etc. in USA, Canada, UK and surrounding countries, if you put an empty blog in front of Google Adsense, it will be approved within few hours.
Now coming on how to get an Adsense account approved for earning online income.
1. Website/blog:
First and foremost option is still the same. You may consider starting a blog with quality content to get approval for Google Adsense. But it has to be unique and should at least be 6 months old. This option really sucks- waiting for 6 months. Here the other options come on the surface for getting approval for Google Adsense.
2. Hub pages:
A hub page is your online space for sharing news, ideas, advices, blogs, articles etc. the best thing is that you can integrate Google Adsense with your hub pages to earn cash online. But where is the Adsense approval? Once you apply for Google Adsense, you give your hub page address in place of website URL. But the odds for getting Google Adsense approval through hub pages are much higher as compared to your site or blog. The worth of revenue obviously depends upon the traffic that comes to your hub page(s).
You can develop your hub pages at
3. Revenue sharing sites:
It’s another easy and interesting option. Such sites allow you to share links, blogs, articles, images and videos. Ads are displayed in the sidebars and revenue is generated as someone clicks those ads. That revenue is shared as declared by the site.
For example shares 100% revenue. Flixya is otherwise recommended since it is powered by Google Adsense, so ads are served by Google Adsense and maintaining the legacy, revenue generated by Google Adsense ads is much higher than any so called advertising monster.

List of revenue sharing sites for Google Adsense:

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Understanding Google Adwords

Adwords is a service offered by Google inc. which is equally useful for both advertisers and publishers. It allows them to find out keyword value, keyword searches and keyword competition. It helps publishers to find out better niche for higher rankings and better earnings. Similarly it helps advertisers to predict the amount of traffic which they will receive for a specific amount of budget.

Google Adwords has two main parts:

1. External keyword tool:

It is valuable for webmasters and newbie publishers to find out better niche. Two things are required to be considered:

  • Total searches
  • Competition

Total searches

This is the number of times a specific keyword is searched in Google. It has two types.

Global searches: the number of times a keyword is sought out globally (in the whole world) per month.

Local searches: the number of times a keyword is sought out in USA in a month.


How many sites are available for a specific number of searches? For instance, if a keyword is searched 100 times globally and there are only 5 sites related to that, there is very low competition. But if a keyword is searched 100 times and there are 100 sites related to it, then it has got very high competition.

So a keyword with millions of monthly searches but having a very little competition is the best to work on.

2. Traffic estimator:

Traffic estimator is an awesome tool for advertisers to estimate the traffic to their website. Here they can set the cost per click for publisher, their total budget for a specific period and estimate the traffic they will get.

Although traffic estimator is a tool primarily for advertisers but publishers can also use it to find the value of a keyword. How much a keyword is worth per click? I have maintained the lists of high paying keywords using the same technique.

Monday, 25 July 2011

5 Tips to Boost your Adsense Earnings

No one denies that Google adsense is the leading ad serving program. Adsense ads are high paying and original. As Google adsense is the largest ad serving program, so advertisers prefer advertising with Google adsense.

In this post, I will discuss some useful tips that may help you increase your adsense earnings.

1. Content:

When it comes to adsense earnings, first and foremost thing that can boost your earnings is your content. The more natural and unique your content is, the more you can earn through Google adsense. A blog without killer content is like a person suffering from mesothelioma. So give good time and do research work before posting anything to your blog.

2. High Paying Ads:

The placement of ads is determined by first few lines of your post. So you can consider using some high paying keywords in the initial lines off your post, may be by giving an example or resemblance. As I have given the example of a person suffering from mesothelioma in the above paragraph. Because I know mesothelioma is a high paying keyword.Oh, now I used mesothelioma third time. Huh, fourth time. -:p

TIP: This trick is also paying if you are using in-text advertising like INFOLINKS, where the word becomes an ad.

3. Ad placement:

The placement of adsense ads does matter in increasing your adsense earnings. Ads placed above fold (visible to visitors without scroll) can let you have your adsense earnings maximized. It’s true because when a visitor looks at your site at a glance he can figure out if some interesting and eye-catching ad is visible.

4. Size of ad unit:

Size of ad unit is also helpful in maximizing your adsense earnings. Usually the following ad units perform better:

  • 728* 90 (Leader board)
  • 336* 280(Large rectangle)
  • 160* 600(Sky scrapper)

5. Format of ad units:

Mixing ad units with your site theme is an art that may be very paying in maximizing your adsense earnings. When you use this trick, visitors are easily dodged. They don’t actually click an ad. They just think of it to another blog post or URL of your site and hence give you an accidental ad click.

Here are the tips to format your ad units:

  • The background color must match the background of your blog.
  • Title and text color of your ads must match your content color. For example for ad unit placed between posts, title and text must match your post’s color and font and for ad units in header and sidebar, it must be compatible with their content color.
  • For ads placed in between posts, there must be no borders. The border for header and sidebar ads should match their border.

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Google Adsense Formula for Earnings, eCPM, CTR,

You might be thinking of how Google Adsense calculates different tracking attributes like CTR, eCPM, CPC, RPM and the most important ESTIMATED EARNINGS. These Adsense formulae have always been confusing because on different sources, different formulae are given. In fact they are inter-related; only the way of expression is different.

There are no hard and fast formulae for CPC and Estimated Earnings.

CPC (cost per click):

It is simply the bid rate set by the advertiser as cost of one click for publisher. CPC ranges from $0.01 --- $60 (but in some rare cases). It actually depends on the keywords you are targeting in your website/blog. Some keywords may give you only $0.01 whereas some be worth $60. For ease please have a look at Lists of high paying keywords here.

Estimated earnings:

Being very simple, Adsense calculates earnings by CPC multiplied by no of clicks.

Estimated earnings = CPC* no of clicks


Estimated earnings = $1.00 * 10 = $10

But remember as the CPC is not same for every ad so don’t try to calculate earnings by multiplying average CPC with number of clicks.

CTR (click through rate):

CTR gives the relation between number of clicks and page impressions. CTR is actually the number of clicks per 100 impressions.

CTR = (no of clicks/page impressions)*100


CTR = (50/1000)*100 = 5%

eCPM (effective CPM):

eCPM is a great way to monitor the performance of different ad units. eCPM is helpful while experimenting the various ad units and for effective comparison. It is just an estimate for your future earnings. For instance, you get 10 clicks per 100 impressions and your earnings are $2. Then for 1000 impressions, you can expect to have 1000 clicks and earn $20.

eCPM= (total earnings/total impressions)*1000


Now let’s see how we can compare two ad units. Suppose you have a Wide Skyscraper unit and a Large Rectangle unit.

Now if Sky Scrapper unit earns you $2.46 over 489 impressions then its eCPM would be:

eCPM= ($2.46/489)*1000= $5.03

And if Large Rectangle unit earns you $1.49 over 345 impressions then its eCPM would be:

eCPM= ($1.49/345)*1000=$4.32

so it’s easier to see that Sky Scrapper unit will earn more than Large Rectangle unit per 1000 impressions. This information is also helpful in determining that placement of Sky Scrapper unit and the ads displayed in it are high paying.


You are not paid for anything other than ad clicks. Your real Google Adsense earning is from ad clicks, rest everything is just an estimate or some predictions.

RPM (revenue per 1000 impressions):

It is the revenue per 1000 ad unit impressions. It does not represent how much you have actually earned. To me it’s very similar to eCPM. It just shows a scale how your account is going on. I wish I could remove it from my Google adsense account.

RPM = (estimated earnings/no of ad unit impressions) * 1000


RPM= ($50/10000)*1000 = $5

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Tips For Building Easy Backlinks

Back links are in fact the links from other websites to your website. No doubt back links are one of the finest ways for search engine optimization and boosting your traffic. The number of back links directly estimates your site popularity.

· More back links you have, more popular your site is.

· If you have back links from trusted sites, more trustworthy your site will be in the view of search engines.

Remember the popularity is one of the two factors (second one is relevancy) that decide your page rank. So for good adsense earning, in fact for any type of earning, back links (popularity) do matter.

But the most difficult question is how to get those back links?

Yeah it’s certainly difficult. It’s quite time consuming and boring to build back links. But here I have come up with a list of easy methods to help you build back links and boost your page rank.

1. Leave comments:

One of the best and easiest ways to build back links is to leave RELEVANT comments on blogs related to your niche. As you browse through certain relevant blogs to see what your competitors are doing, you can leave a comment their linking back to your site. But don’t spam your comment by merely saying: “awesome post” or “I like your blog” or any junk like that.

Put some juice in your comment. Read a bit of post, have a look at other comments and then through yours.

You may ask some related question or give your suggestion.

For example:

If the blog post is about ‘high paying Google adsense keywords’; your comment may be like this:

“Hey thanks for the list of high paying keywords. If you don’t mind please check out the value of this (your keyword) keyword for me. Regards."

1. TIP: In order to find relevant blogs, you can type this search query in search engine. Wordpress comments “(your keyword)”

2. TIP: You can consider registering a domain name in blogger. All those names which are unavailable relevant to your niche, they are taken. So you can save them and later visit those blogs and leave comments their.

You can use this trick with top level domains also. But be relevant.

2. Blog directories:

Submission of your blog to different blog directories is a handy way to get a bunch of extra back links. But there are certain tips and tricks to consider which may save a lot of time and help you get through this submission business easily.Learn More:

3. Google Alerts:

Using Google alerts is an ongoing way to build back links. Just go to and sign in with your Google account and create alerts. Creating alerts is simple. Just put in your blog address, set frequency (how often you want to receive alerts, daily, weekly etc.) and choose location for your alerts to land (your e-mail id or feed) and you are good to go. When you receive an alert, just visit that blog; read the post a little bit and leave a comment there.

The benefits of using Google alerts:

· You don’t have to search manually for blogs to submit comments. They automatically come to your inbox daily.

· They are quite relevant at least from adsense point of view.

· Google alerts are not limited as blog directories or social bookmarking sites are.

List of High Paying Keywords – Miscellaneous

List of High Paying Keywords – Miscellaneous


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